James Farrer
by Fons1 via FlickrI just walked into this weblog, the Speaker Launcher blog, meant for speakers and giving them advice. Great stuff if you are not sure how to deal with your career as a speaker. A few years ago they gave great tips on how to deal with speakers’ bureaus (like ours) and I could not have put it better. A few selection criteria they list:
To see if you are ready to work with bureaus, ask yourself the following questions:a) Have I given 30 or more paid speeches per year for at least two years?
b) Is my fee high enough? ($3K is an average minimum).
c) Are my materials ready (demo video, one sheets, etc) and do they sell me?
d) Am I really good? Let’s face it – every speaker has been told that they are great. But the truly great speaker gets an average of 2-3 “spin off” engagements after each speech.