James_4James Farrer
by Fons1 via Flickr
I just walked into this weblog, the Speaker Launcher blog, meant for speakers and giving them advice. Great stuff if you are not sure how to deal with your career as a speaker. A few years ago they gave great tips on how to deal with speakers’ bureaus (like ours) and I could not have put it better. A few selection criteria they list:

To see if you are ready to work with bureaus, ask yourself the following questions:a) Have I given 30 or more paid speeches per year for at least two years?
b) Is my fee high enough? ($3K is an average minimum).
c) Are my materials ready (demo video, one sheets, etc) and do they sell me?
d) Am I really good? Let’s face it – every speaker has been told that they are great. But the truly great speaker gets an average of 2-3 “spin off” engagements after each speech.


More great tips at the Speakers launcher blog.

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