Cashless payments have become mainstream in China, but cash is still valuable and the government supports cash payments, says financial expert Sara Hsu, an associate professor at the University of Tennessee, specializing in supply chain management in the Guardian. A “[recent] directive pushes China’s policy of inclusive finance further to ensure that both elderly Chinese and foreigners can participate in economic transactions,” says Hsu.Read More →

Business analyst Shaun Rein dives deeper into the China economy as consumer confidence in first-tier cities is lower than he has seen in 27 years and the government’s economic targets focus on the next 3-5 years, he tells CNBC. The government is unwilling and unable to rely on stiff financial bazookas as it did in the previous crisis of 2008. Economic growth of 5 percent is enough for the government now, as it wants to diminish the gap between haves and have-nots, he adds.Read More →

China’s consumers are trading down because of deflation, and are looking for cheap prices, says Shanghai-based business analyst Shaun Rein to CNBC. China’s government is unlikely to use financial support for the economy, he adds, as it finds the current growth of 5 percent quite enough, as its priority is dealing with the gap between the haves and have-nots, not at trying to increase that economic growth.Read More →

Xi Jinping has been building up a new government structure and the just-installed Central Financial Commission will be key in making financial decisions for the central government, says political analyst Victor Shih in the Financial Times. The “de facto watchdog, planner, and decision maker for China’s US$61tn financial sector, weakening the power of state institutions such as the People’s Bank of China and China Securities Regulatory Commission.”Read More →

China’s central government surprised this week by supporting its economy by a string of measures including cutting interest rates. Financial analyst Ben Cavender expects more action in the coming months, but meanwhile, foreign investors get jibberish and that might offer great opportunities for other economies like India, he adds at CNBC-TV18.Read More →

Almost half a year ago the real estate giant Evergrande started to fall apart under its 300 billion US dollar debts, but the collapse – expected by many – has not yet emerged. Financial analyst Sara Hsu explains in the Commercial Observer why this collapse has not happened.Read More →

After provincial authorities started to limit operations of cryptocurrencies earlier this year, last week a full ban was issued by 10 ministries. Financial analyst Winston Wenyan Ma explains Bloomberg what the central government is doing to cryptocurrencies, the relation with the upcoming digital currency and its possible fallout on a global level.Read More →