The famous author Zhang Lijia discussed earlier this week in the New York Times the prospect – or better the lack thereof – of political reform in China. In Google+ Hangout-on-air we will discuss early next week why she does not think the upcoming leadership is ready for that task.
In an interview we will discuss further Zhang Lijia’s experiences and her main take-away:
Implementing real reforms, not merely a tweak here and there, will demand courage. Will Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang, the two men who will most likely take power in the autumn, be up to it?
I doubt it. They are selected to lead the nation because they’ve proven not only their ability to govern but also their loyalty to the regime. Like all top party leaders, they understand how to place the party’s honor before the country’s interest. This next generation of leaders is unlikely to rock the boat — and that’s unfortunate.
In the future we will open up those interviews for a larger audience, but this time, you can ask Zhang Lijia questions, or challenge her views. The interview, planned for Monday or Tuesday, will be live-broadcasts and announced in this space. You can keep on asking questions by email or in the comments until the broadcast is over.
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