“At least when the Chinese say, ‘This is going to be an investment zone,’ they put in electricity and phone lines and sewers,” tells author Paul French the BBC about the failed North-Korean investment zone at the China border. The China model did not work in North-Korea.Read More →

North-Korea’s new leader Kim Jong-un has been prepared for his new job, probably better than most observers know, says historian and research Paul French, author of the North Korea: The Paranoid Peninsula: A Modern History, Second Edition in Channel 4 news.Read More →

“Not insane” via Wikipedia North-Korea is moving very calculated and it is weird both the US and South-Korea do not treat it accordingly, says Shaun Rein in an analysis in Forbes.Shaun Rein: They are coolly calculated measures to gain power. If North Korea didn’t attack and appear crazy, no oneRead More →