McElwee2Charles McElwee
by Fons1 via Flickr
China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) approved on Friday 153 projects worth 470 billion Renminbi (47 bn euro), environmental lawyer Charles McElwee announced at his weblog. All are part of the four trillion Renminbi package announced in 2008 by the central government as part of the packages to encourage the economy.

Eleven projects (or 7% of the total) were rejected, “mostly coal-fired power plants or resource-intensive coal chemical plants.” This rejection rate is significantly lower than the 24% “rejected or postponed” rate reported for the first eight months of 2008, perhaps due to the new approval expediting measures.

Charles McElwee is part of the China Speakers Bureau. When you are interested in having him as a speaker, do get in touch.

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