samflemmingSam Flemming by Fantake via Flickr

In April we see at the China Speakers Bureau , compared to our March listing, a remarkable set of newcomers in the top-10 of most sought speakers for the month, although some have been there in previous months. Only the first four are maintaining a top position, but we do have a set of new names,
Highest newcomer in April at number 5 is Sam Flemming , one of our outspoken analysts on how the internet is changing China (and perhaps the other way around). Sam Flemming will participate in our next Global China Chat, this time about the Internet Word of Mouth (IWOM), in the week after the upcoming May holidays.
Second newcomer is professor Zhang Jun of Fudan University (who will join a conference panel with Paul Krugman in May in Seoul), who proves that beating the drum in the mainstream media still makes sense.
Professor Zhang Jun was quoted in the past month in almost every thinkable publication, as he advised the Shanghai theater group who will use Karl Marx‘s Das Kapital as a way to explain the financial crisis to a larger audience.
Additionally Roy Graff, who helped to organize our Global China Chat on tourism, Paul French and Janet Carmosky entered the top-10.

Our listing for April (March in brackets)

  1. jun zhang IMG_4101Zhang Jun by Fantake via Flickr

    Shaun Rein (1)

  2. Kaiser Kuo (7)
  3. Victor Shih  (8)
  4. Arthur Kroeber  (2)
  5. Sam Flemming (-)
  6. Zhang Jun (-)
  7. Roy Graff (-)
  8. Tom Doctoroff (6)
  9. Janet Carmosky  (-)
  10. Paul French (-)
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