Kaiser Kuo

In a decade the number of internet users in China grew from 22 million to 513 million, creating the country’s first publish sphere ever, cause great changes in society, tells Baidu communication director Kaiser Kuo to China.org.


Kaiser Kuo, director of international communications at Baidu, believes Internet access has become a basic fact of life for Chinese citizens. He said: “China has very much embraced information communication technology. It is something the Chinese government has taken very, very seriously.”

Social media differs from traditional forms of media because of its user-generated content. It allows users to connect with other users and create an enormous amount of content on a daily basis. Popular micro blogging platforms such as Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo have revolutionized Chinese culture and, according to Kuo, define it.

“There has never been a time in Chinese history where there has been a comparably large impactful public sphere. It is now driving, in many ways, the entire national dialogue.”

More in China.org.

Kaiser Kuo is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers’ request form.

Kaiser Kuo, speaking on China’s internet, at Storify.


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