Shaun Rein
Shaun Rein

What is happening next, was the question we got a few times over the past weeks from our clients, after picking a speaker. For the China Speakers Bureau it is a regular business, ans sometimes we forget it is not for most of our clients. So here is a step-by-step overview of how our procedures (mostly) look like.

1. Find a speaker that matches our client´s requirements. Often clients have already a name, sometimes not. In all cases, we try to figure out what is the best match by getting a decent briefing. What is the subject to be covered? How does the audience look like? Are they Chinese, non-Chinese or a combination? How familiar are they with China? What industry are they in? What is the format of the meeting? What are the targets of the meeting?

2. An offer with a selection of speakers. Based on our understanding of your event, we offer you a selection of three, four speakers. (Unless you know already who you want). That includes their profile, a picture, their standard fee (for a 45 minute key-note) and home town. In addition to the speakers´ fee our speakers also require business class return tickets and 5-star hotel accommodation – if needed. Fees are set by the speakers themselves, and as their agency we make a living from a percentage of that fee.

3. A firm offer from the client. This information we have exchanged should be the basis of what we call a firm offer. Green light from the client, including subject, fee, format, date, time and the logistics of the event. Only then we get in touch we the selected speaker.

4. We then check the availability of the speaker. For our speakers we consider it to be our job to filter out requests, until we know we are on the right track. During the first part of our exploration, offers regularly do not work out, and we do not want to bother speakers with this part of the process. When the speaker is available, we move into the next phase.

5. Drafting of contracts. When a speaker is available, we start drafting contracts. We offer little employment to lawyers, but when money is going to change hands, we set up basic contracts for both our client and the speaker. They formalize the agreement we have reached, and include date, time and subject of the speech, logistical information and financial details.

6. First payment. One week after signing of the contracts 50% of the speakers´ fee is due. We are a registered company in the US, so we deal with US-banks.

7. Second payment. One week after the event the second installment is due, the second 50%, and if the client did not arrange travel and hotel for the speaker, the reimbursement of those costs. We make sure that speakers get their compensation right after we get this payment in.

More questions? We are happy to give you more information, when you drop us an email.


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