The threat to delist Chinese companies from US stock exchanges has shocked observers, even though it is not yet clear whether the White House is moving forward. Financial analyst Sara Hsu warns the reputation of US financial institutions might be at stake. And also: her latest viewpoint on what the consumers might feel from the ongoing trade war.Read More →

Investors in Chinese equity know from the past they have put their money on a roller-coaster. But the recent drop is very rough, and – says financial analyst Sara Hsu to the ChinaUSFocus, the drop is worse because much stock has been used as collateral for loans.Read More →

The successful IPO of Pinduoduo,  the third e-commerce platform in China after Alibaba and, took many by surprise. But it does not mean Pinduoduo will be equally successful in the future, warns business analyst Shaun Rein, author of The War for China’s Wallet: Profiting from the New World Order, at the South China Morning Post. Just days later, it was accused of hosting counterfeit goods.Read More →

Figuring out who might be hurt by the trade war between China and the US is still be tough, but tech companies like Alibaba and Tencent see their US ties as a liability, says financial expert Sara Hsu to Cheddar. “The trade spat between Washington and Beijing has not only quelled investors’ appetites, it has also discouraged Chinese tech giants from expanding internationally.”Read More →

For many outside China the successful IPO on Nasdaq of group purchasing platform Pinduoduo, mildly comparable to the less successful Groupon, came as a surprise. Shanghai-based business analyst Ben Cavender tries to explain the success at Inkstone. It uses the popular Tencent platforms WeChat and QQ.Read More →

Many successful Chinese companies listed in the US, rather than in China, because of the stringent regulations in their own country. Now going IPO in China is at least becoming easier, says business analyst Shaun Rein, author of The War for China’s Wallet: Profiting from the New World Order to Harbour Times. And some Chinese companies might come back from the US.Read More →

How to deal with Chinese investors? That question is asked more frequently by government agencies, startups, larger and smaller companies outside China, and even soccer clubs. Capital is flowing over from China to the rest of the world, partly through the massive One Belt, One Road (OBOR) investment program. But many Chinese companies, private and state-owned, also have their own investment agenda.

At the China Speakers Bureau, we offer a range of speakers who can help you to deal with that question. There might not be one answer, but as China’s economic standing in the world changes, looking for possible answers becomes more crucial for the world outside China.Read More →

Big changes on our monthly list of most-sought speakers for September, compared to August 2011. A few speakers saw their position rise firmly, and four re-entered our top-10. Paul French heads our listing for the first time, after he published his latest book “Midnight in Peking”, a book he describedRead More →

China’s second largest video sharing firm Tudou launched last week successfully at Nasdaq, and business analyst Shaun Rein discovered they want “buy things”. Wrong, he argues in CNBC: Tudou should focus on its sustainability and become profitable. Read More →

August is typically the month for kicking off a new business cycle. The summer heat is retreating and – where applicable – decision makers return to their desks, full with new ideas they picked up during their holidays. It is no different with our group of eminent speakers who belong to the most-sought speakers for August of this year.Read More →

China’s Internet companies are delaying listings in the US and for good reason, business analyst Shaun Rein explains in the US-edition of the China Daily. Negative sentiments rule even among the often too optimistic US investors when they look at China.Read More →