Ashley Dudarenok

China´s economic growth might be slowing down a bit, and its economy might not be the boost the global economy needs, but the luxury goods industry could be the exception. China´s consumers, whether at home or abroad, are still buying themselves silly.

Even the ongoing trade war is not going to change that long-term development. Even more, now China is moving from an export-oriented country to one based on domestic consumption, political pressure is high to make this change work, and keep China prosperous.



Ashley Dudarenok

Ashley Dudarenok is a China marketing expert with two decades of professional experience in China. She is fluent in Mandarin, Russian, German and English.

Ashley is also a serial entrepreneur, professional speaker, bestselling author, vlogger, podcaster, media contributor and female entrepreneurship spokesperson. She is the founder of several startups, including social media agency and resources & training company

She co-authored Digital China: Working with Bloggers, Influencers and KOLs, published in November 2018.

Arnold Ma

Arnold Ma is a marketing expert focusing on the cultural change among China’s youth and its subculture. Based in London, his agency Qumin helps global companies to figure out how to deal with China’s millennials, who have very little in common with the older generations.

The unprecedented growth and unparalleled development of China’s economy over the last 30 years brought about important changes within the society. The adaptability and global awareness of China’s younger generation are way beyond those of their ancestors, for example, he says.

You can read his full profile here.

Are you interested in more stories by Arnold Ma? Do check out this list.

Click here for Ashley’s recent stories.

Rupert Hoogewerf

Rupert Hoogewerf founded in 1999 the Hurun China Rich List.

Since then, the size and scope of the China Rich List have grown at an exponential rate and has become an eagerly awaited annual event for China’s private sector. Released every October, the 2012 list includes 1000 names, with a minimum threshold of USD 300 million

The list is the flagship product of Hurun Report, a luxury publishing and events company founded by Hoogewerf in 1999, which produces 20 Chinese-language magazine issues a year aimed at China’s wealth creators. Hoogewerf’s close personal relationship with many of China’s leading entrepreneurs provides the basis for the company’s busy calendar of events.

You can read some of Rupert Hoogewerf´s articles here.

Shaun Rein

Shaun Rein is the Managing Director of the China Market Research Group (CMR), the world’s leading strategic market intelligence firm focused on China. He is one of the world’s recognized thought leaders on strategy consulting in China.

He is the author of the book “The End of Cheap China: Economic and Cultural Trends that will Disrupt the World” published in March 2012 by John Wiley & Sons in the US.

Millions of readers read his weekly column for CNBC on business in China. He previously wrote a weekly column for Forbes on business in China and leadership.

You can read some of Shaun´s contributions here.

Ben Cavender is a Director with The China Market Research Group (CMR), which he joined in 2006.  His work at CMR focuses on consumer behavior analysis, market analysis, due diligence, retail strategy, brand positioning, and growth strategies in the China market.

His role at CMR includes oversight of projects for Fortune 500 companies, SMEs, and domestic Chinese companies in the e-commerce, entertainment, fashion & apparel, food & beverage, hospitality, luxury goods, and TMT sectors seeking to expand their presence in China and abroad as well as for institutional investors and their portfolio companies.

You can read some of the articles who quote Ben here.