The China Speakers Bureau is hosting on Thursday 14 May two sessions with CIC’s founder Sam Flemming on social networks in China, brand, consumers and how they interact with technology of the now-famous start-up CoverItLive.com. At the first announcement of this Global China Chat you find the agenda for today .
The first chat focuses on European and Asian time zones and will start at 5 PM Beijing time and 11 AM CEST.
A second chat focusing on Europe and the Americas will be hosted later today and its interface will emerge here after the first chat has finished. When you want to send in questions ahead of time, do let us know.
To enter the chat, you only need to click on the interface below. We will activate the chat ahead of time for people to get familiar with the system. Do not that the interface only give the time in Europe, and that has confused people in the past.
We are looking forward to an interesting exchange with Sam Flemming.