Rupert Hoogewerf
Rupert Hoogewerf

Getting things right for China’s ultra rich is becoming an art in itself. Hurun rich list founder Rupert Hoogewerf tells on the website Elite Traveler a few of the secrets on this most lucrative market – if you get things right.

Elite Traveler:

Exotic places give elite travelers a sense of fulfillment. This, says Rupert Hoogewerf, chairman of Shanghai-based Hurun Report, is what China’s millionaires and billionaires desperately seek. He recently surveyed 150 of them, and found that they average 3.2 overseas trips a year, with France the current top destination. Next they’ll be heading for Spain’s Mediterranean coast…

Ultra-high net worth Chinese want to give back, says Rupert Hoogewerf. They are looking for good causes, and they are into self-education, health and organic living. Recently Hoogewerf was with a small party climbing a mountain. One billionaire liked it so much he bought it—to set up tea plantations.

More in Elite Traveler

Rupert Hoogewerf is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers’ request form.

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