Journalist Howard French will publish in March 2017 his new book Everything Under the Heavens: How the Past Helps Shape China’s Push for Global Power on China´s self image as a geopolitical power in the past and the future. What is going to happen now Xi Jinping has to deal with this other muscular nationalists, Donald Trump.
This is what leading voices have to say about the forthcoming book by Howard French.
“Nuanced… The detail of [French’s] scholarship and reporting is matched by the suppleness of his prose… This will be a useful, and necessary, starting point for informed discussion.” —Publishers Weekly
“Howard French has tackled what is perhaps the most important issue of our time, and of many years to come, with the vivid prose of a first-rate reporter, the scholarship of an excellent historian, and great human sympathy.” —Ian Buruma, author of Year Zero: A History of 1945
“Everything Under the Heavens is the most persuasive account I’ve ever read of how China’s history shapes its foreign policy and that of its neighbors today. A subtle and beautifully written book that offers surprising lessons for how Americans and Asians should respond to China’s rise. Strongly recommended for policy makers and citizens alike.” —Susan Shirk, chair of the 21st Century China Center, University of California-San Diego
“Taking full account of China’s achievements and ambitions, without being panicked by them or losing sight of China’s vulnerabilities, will be a major challenge for the next generation in the rest of the world—and in China itself. Howard French very lucidly lays out a guide to thinking about the next stage in China’s evolution, and the positive signs and danger signals to be watching for.” —James Fallows, author of China Airborne“In the brilliant Everything Under the Heavens, Howard French offers a sweeping historical view of China’s relentless attempt to build an Asian world order around its unchallenged authority. French’s meticulously reported and beautifully written book is disquieting but essential reading.” —Nayan Chanda, former editor of the Far Eastern Economic Review
“In Everything Under the Heavens, Howard French has written an absorbing and penetrating dissection of the deep roots of China’s claims to large swathes of the oceans off Japan and south-east Asia, with profound implications for control over vitally important global trade. French understands that China’s sense of historical entitlement is both deeply emotional and crudely political, and allows Beijing to pretend to stand with Asia, while standing over it at the same time.” —Richard McGregor, author of The Party: The Secret World of China’s Communist Rulers
“With Everything Under the Heavens, Howard French brings us a wonderfully well-researched and elegantly written book about what we might call China’s ‘shape memory.’ If you’re wondering why this singular country acts as it does, this volume will go a long way to explaining it.” —Orville Schell, Arthur Ross Director, Center on US-Relations, Asia Society
Howard French is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers´request form.
Are you interested in more stories by Howard French? Do check out this list.