Rupert Hoogewerf

Despite the election of Donald Trump, increased immigration barriers to the US and increased animosity between China and the US, the US is still the top destination for rich Chinese leaving their country, says China Rich List researcher Rupert Hoogewerf. Although the number of rich leaving their country is dropping, he tells the South China Morning Post.

The South China Morning Post:

The United States remains the top destination for rich Chinese investors looking to buy property and move overseas, according to a report released on the weekend.

The report, by Hurun Report and Visas Consulting, also said Chinese were more concerned about the depreciation of the yuan and their lack of knowledge about overseas investment.

The assessments were based on interviews conducted between April and July with 304 Chinese who had already emigrated or planned to do so. Their average wealth was 20 million yuan (US$2.95 million or HK$23 million).

Canada was the second most popular destination on the list, followed by Australia. Hong Kong was 15th.

Within the US, the west coast had the greatest allure, particularly Los Angeles, Seattle and San Francisco. New York remained the fourth most popular city.

For the fourth year in a row, education and “living environment” were the main forces driving rich Chinese overseas, the report said. Another major reason was access to better medical care.

Nearly 20 per cent of the ­respondents said they were not confident about the country’s growth prospects.

But the survey also revealed barriers to emigration. Almost 30 per cent of those surveyed said long waiting times were the biggest obstacle, ­followed by language barriers and difficulty in integrating into ­mainstream society.

“Over the past decade, the number of Chinese rich considering immigration has remained at around 60 per cent, but this year [it] has come down to just under half, the lowest on record, but still not low,” Hurun Report chief ­researcher Rupert Hoogewerf said.

More than 34 per cent of those surveyed said they were considering moving to a different city in China – a sign that property prices might stay high.

More in the South China Morning Post.

Rupert Hoogewerf is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers’ request form.

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