Harry Broadman

The US failed to stamp out the coronavirus, unlike China, says Harry Broadman, a former senior US trade official to the Sydney Morning Herald. And since South Korea and New Zealand also dealt with COVID-19 efficiency, it is not China’s authoritarian regime that made the difference, he adds.

The Sydney Morning Herald:

“Obviously, the US government bungled it,” said Harry Broadman, a former senior US trade official and managing director with Berkeley Research Group. The singular authority of China’s Communist Party helped Beijing enforce contact tracing and lockdowns, Broadman said. But other democracies, including New Zealand and South Korea, stamped out the virus as China did.

The real difference between the US and China was that Washington “has been arguing over stimulus issues on Capitol Hill and it’s still far too little and too late”, said Broadman, who has served under both Republican and Democratic presidents. “That has created more and more uncertainty on the part of business.”

More at the Sydney Morning Herald.

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