Getting rid of legal barriers is key for using innovation in real life, and Beijing approved the first regulations in China on self-driving cars, writes lawyer Mark Schaub at the China Law Insight. He elaborates on the details. “We expect more regions to follow Beijing’s lead and compete for innovation in this key sector,” he adds.Read More →

How to deal with Chinese investors? That question is asked more frequently by government agencies, startups, larger and smaller companies outside China, and even soccer clubs. Capital is flowing over from China to the rest of the world, partly through the massive One Belt, One Road (OBOR) investment program. But many Chinese companies, private and state-owned, also have their own investment agenda.

At the China Speakers Bureau, we offer a range of speakers who can help you to deal with that question. There might not be one answer, but as China’s economic standing in the world changes, looking for possible answers becomes more crucial for the world outside China.Read More →

When Baidu CEO Robin Li was arrested by Beijing police for sitting in a self-driving car, it was obvious the country needed an update of its traffic laws, just like the US, Australia and several European countries did have. Shanghai-based lawyer Mark Schaub gives at his firm’s website an overview of what is needed to support the development of self-driving cars, including testing on public roads and setting standards.Read More →

China has released new rules for infant formula milk powder, one of the most-discussed products after massive domestic scandals and waves of foreign imports, both legally and illegally. Shanghai-based lawyer Mark Schaub discusses at Lexology the impact, as domestic and foreign formulas are now treated equally, and it is going to be more complicated.Read More →

Foreign multi-level marketing (MLM) firms like Herbalife, Nu Skin and Usana Health Sciences got into trouble as Chinese authorities turned in a 3-month campaign against domestic illegal pyramid schemes. Shanghai-based lawyer Mark Schaub explains the background at the China Law Insight.Read More →

The China Food and Drug Administration (“CFDA”) has released in April a draft regulation for supervision of so-called health food. Shanghai-based lawyer Mark Schaub of King & Wood Mallesons sees it as an open way to discuss a new system of filing, and less registration, he writes in Lexology.Read More →

Our second installment on the top-5 most-read stories for November 2011 show certainly the power of search engines in retrieving stories. Some of the recent stories by Wendell Minnick and Shaun Rein do pretty well, but we see also much interest in stories that are older.Read More →

Mark Schaub a partner at King & Wood and Mallesons, the largest law firm in China and Australia combined. He is a prolific speaker who wastes no time in avoiding the real challenges in doing business in China.

As a lawyer he had extensive experience in negotiating deals, firing people and otherwise dealing with the ignorance of companies entering the Chinese business minefield. He travels from ShanghaiRead More →