“Jack Ma looks desperate right now,” says business analyst Shaun Rein at the BBC about the founder and chairman of the Alibaba Group. Alibaba has announced its IPO, but feels the breath of its major competitor Tencent coming from behind.Read More →

China’s laws have not kept pace with its rapidly evolving retail sector. A major overhaul of consumer protection legislation is set to take effect on March 15, 2014. In short the Revision basically changes everything for consumers in China. As always, only time will tell as to how it is implemented but the intent is clear – consumers will be given greater protection, writes Mark Schaub, lawyer at King&Wood and Malleson.Read More →

Retail analyst Shaun Rein expects e-commerce in China to grow 50% year-on-year, giving its leader Alibaba a gigantic headwind, now the industry has won the confidence of the consumers, he tells Bloomberg TV. And pollution forces buyers out of the shopping malls to Alibaba.Read More →

The decision to close down German retailer Media Markt in China shows – yet again – a profound lack of understanding on how the market in China works, tells business analyst Ben Cavender in the China Daily.Read More →

The US-based luxury fashion group Neiman Marcus has decided to enter the China market through e-commerce, rather than building brick-and-mortar stores. Business analyst Shaun Rein explains in the Financial Times why that might not be a smart idea.Read More →