What happened to former foreign minister Qin Gang one year ago is still unclear. After a stellar career, the sudden disappearance of Qin triggered a slew of rumors, including an extramarital affair with a British spy, an affair with Xi Jinping’s daughter, and more speculations. Political analyst Victor Shih tells Politico that China’s leadership is still unsure of how to handle this case.Read More →

China’s new government promised foreign companies a more open economy, but the recent raids on China offices of Bain and Capvision consultancies leave foreign investors confused, says political analyst Victor Shih at Hong Kong FP. “It’s very puzzling considering Beijing says that it will boost foreign investment and entrepreneurial spirit. It seems like the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing.” Read More →

China lawyer Mark Schaub, a senior partner at KWM, has dealt with many cases for foreign firms, accusing Chinese companies of infringements of their intellectual property (IP). In an interview with Gao Feng Advisory’s CEO Dr. Edward Tse, Mark Schaub shares some of his legal experiences in China at Wei Xin.Read More →

Donald Trump’s plan to ban Tiktok from the US is straight-up Sinophobia, says former Baidu communications director Kaiser Kuo to Slate. Most successful apps in China will not make a decent following among consumers in the rest of the world, he argues, just because they are too much adjusted to China’s internet rules and customs, he adds.Read More →

US president Trump might be doing his best to upset China in every possible way, but US-China relations are no longer top priority for either country, says political analyst Victor Shih at NBC News. “Fundamentally the big problem on both sides is that you now have leadership which no longer considers having good bilateral relationships as a highest priority,”Read More →

Financial analyst Sara Hsu compares on her weblog China and the US in trying to see if they are using different methods for getting a competitive advantage. Both do spy on each other and third countries, and China uses the One Belt, One Road (BRI) program to expand its power.Read More →

Following the investigation into Russia meddling into US elections, California Congressman Jeff Denham has also accused China of the same. While there have been some minor spying incidents, political analyst Victor Shih, author of Factions and Finance in China: Elite Conflict and Inflation, does not see a similar effort for interference from China, he tells Politifact.Read More →

The move by Blackstone not to sell a landmark California hotel to the Anbang Insurance group for security concerns shows domestic volatility in the US and serious risk for Chinese companies looking for investment opportunities, says business analyst Shaun Rein to the South China Morning Post.Read More →

The FBI accused the Chinese citizens, including Su Bin (Stephen Su), owner of Lode-Technology, last month of hacking into US military projects. Defense analyst Wendell Minnick had a look at the FBI-document detailing the accusations for Defense News.Read More →

China is hitting US tech interests now on an almost daily basis, and this battle is likely to continue in the coming months, tells business analyst Shaun Rein at Bloomberg TV. While the Edward Snowden disclosures might have set off these measures, the indictment of five Chinese for cyber espionage was the trigger.Read More →