While the controversy between China and the US is heating up, and almost every country tries to invest in their own AI, Alvin Wang Graylin, co-author of Our Next Reality: Preparing for the AI-powered Metaverse, pleads for a global approach to developing the new industrial revolution, he tells in an interview wat WISE on Air with Elyas Felfoul.Read More →

US sanctions on China make it harder for Chinese companies to develop large-scale AI systems because they lack access to finance and computing power, says Winston Ma, adjunct professor of law at the New York University School of Law. But they will focus on AI applications and their commercialization rather than developing the big systems, he tells CNBC.Read More →

The world was in awe when Nvidia emerged as a giant in the stock markets, but the AI industry is still waiting for a real shake-out as it is still lacking a real killer app, says Winston Ma, adjunct professor at the NYU School of Law, in a comment at Forbes.Read More →

AI-expert Alvin Wang Graylin, c0-author of  Our Next Reality: Preparing for the AI-powered Metaverse, gives the commencement address at the 2024 UW ECE Graduation Ceremony, telling the new generation how the next industrial revolution will work out in their lives and careers. What challenges will the graduates face in the next ten years?Read More →

Behind all the geopolitical shuffles between China and the US, the war on AI and the metaverse is raging, says AI expert Alvin Wang Graylin in an interview with Cyrus Janssen. And that is a wrong signal for the rest of the world, as both forces should not try to contain the other, for national security reasons or whatever, but work together, he argues.Read More →

China’s economy is dealing with some tough years, writes leading economist Arthur Kroeber, author of China’s Economy: What Everyone Needs to Know®, in ChinaFile, especially now that it does not have enough tools with debts and deflation like it did in the past. “So we need to brace for the consequences of the Xi model: slower growth in China, a big rise in Chinese technology exports, and more protectionism in the rest of the world,” he writes.Read More →

Marketing guru Ashley Dudarenok released today – together with co-author Ron Wardle – their book Innovation Factory: China’s Digital Playbook The two examine China’s digital transformation and its unique e-commerce and share what Western brands can learn to boost innovation, increase competitiveness, and foster a brighter future.Read More →