Many Western brands in China might be targeting the emerging middle class, but that does not exist in China, like it does in the US, argues retail analyst Shaun Rein. Chinese consumer got for the premium products, or for the cheap, there is no middle ground, he writes in Bloomberg.Read More →

Is it like the Gang of Four in 1976? Or Tiananmen in 1989? Or the dismissal of Chen Liangyu in 2006? Commentators struggle to find a comparison. The downfall of Bo Xilai certainly showed cracks in the varnish of unity among China’s leaders, tells political analyst Victor Shih in the Voice of America.Read More →

The death penalty, especially for economic crimes, is a hotly debated issue in China, especially now billionaire Wu Ying is waiting in death row for illegal raising capital. Author Zhang Lijia joins in The Guardian the rising choir of opponents.Read More →

Apple might celebrate a huge success in China, but the US company could have done much better if they had followed a ‘China-first’ strategy from the beginning, says Shaun Rein, author of the book The End of Cheap China: Economic and Cultural Trends that will Disrupt the World in SFgate and on Bloomberg.Read More →