China’s leadership is this week drafting its new 5-year plan. Financial analyst Sara Hsu expects an ongoing shift from an export-driven economy to more domestic consumption, she tells at CNBC International. “China realizes it cannot rely on export as it did in the past,” she says.Read More →

Financial analyst Sara Hsu, co-author of the 2020 publication “China’s fintech explosion”, discusses how tech companies became the leaders in fintech, leaving the country’s giant banks behind. She addresses an online panel of USC’s US-China Institute and explains how an underserved community offers a fertile basis for the fintech explosion.Read More →

The coronavirus crisis has hit China’s economy and its graduates face a rough time for at least a year, as they are looking for jobs now, says financial analyst Sara Hsu, a visiting scholar at Shanghai’s Fudan University to CGTN. Job creation has come to a stand-still, and graduates might rely on finding jobs at state-owned companies, the government or even the military to survive in the coming year, she says.Read More →

China’s government has been trying to phase out shadow banking as a risky form of lending money. But now the country’s economy is hit by a trade war, COVID-19 and other mischiefs, shadow banking might make a return, says financial analyst Sara Hsu at the East Asia Forum.Read More →

Financial analyst Sara Hsu compares on her weblog China and the US in trying to see if they are using different methods for getting a competitive advantage. Both do spy on each other and third countries, and China uses the One Belt, One Road (BRI) program to expand its power.Read More →

Local governments in China have amassed an amazing amount of debt. Dropping revenue and disappointing economic performance is a major challenge, writes financial analyst Sara Hsu in the China-US Focus. “The outlook for local government financials is not positive.”Read More →

Now a massive row of Chinese companies, including Alibaba, are preparing for IPO´s, both at home at abroad, insights in China´s financial industry are more important than ever,

The government wants to allow market forces to decide what financial direction the country is taking, and because more than even capital is owned by Chinese citizens, just looking at what the central government in Beijing is doing, is not longer good enough.Read More →