Wendell_MinnickWendell Minnick by Fantake via Flickr

Shaun Rein regained the first position again from Kaiser Kuo in a very busy media month. Mostly we have no complaints on how our top-speakers perform, but this March shows we are in the top-season for business in China.
Fastest rising star this month is our prominent defense speaker Wendell Minnick,, the Asia bureau chief of Defense news. Initially, and not surprising, the China Speakers Bureau focused on China’s economic development and business affairs.
But China as a military force is getting more attention, so we were happy to include Wendell Minnick last year in our list of prominent speakers. And we can announce that his colleague Reuben F. Johnson, working amongst others for Jane’s weekly and the Weekly Standard, has agreed to join us – although his profile is still under construction at this stage.
Two veteran speakers returned to this month’s top-10: Jasper Becker and Paul French. A few new books on Mao’s famine have hit the shelves, so the author of the Hungry Ghosts, Jasper Becker, is getting quite some hits. And Paul French has been relatively quiet for at least a month, so we expect his new book to get out soon too.

Without further delay, here is our list of top-10 most-sought speakers for March (February in brackets)

Victor Shih (no. 10)
  1. Shaun Rein (2)
  2. Kaiser Kuo (1)
  3. Paul French (-)
  4. Arthur Kroeber (4)
  5. Tom Doctoroff (5)
  6.  Wendell Minnick (7)
  7. William Overholt (3)
  8. Helen Wang (6)
  9. Jasper Becker (-)
  10. Victor Shih (9)
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