Light can transport data in higher volumes and speed than the current cable systems, shows an experimental setup at Shanghai´s Fudan University in the documentary “Smart China” at Discovery Channel. It documents how the massive data exchange at food chains in China can guarantee food safety. Our technology speaker William Bao Bean comments at the documentary.
William Bao Bean:
8´07″: On the potential of data transported by led lights. “This has enormous potential, expecially in emerging market where much area is not yet covered by a tight network of copper cables.”
10´25: It allows great instore communication with customers, also on their personal devices.
16´12: On increased food security at the logistical chains, where data exchange is key: Again great for emerging markets without good control systems of the many vendors and buyers, to get them connected. We already know Chinese consumer are willing to pay more for good food, so this should work out.
22´53: the good thing, this is getting the consumers involved. They are no barrier to the introduction of these systems, but you have to pull over the other players too.
You can watch the whole documentary at this page, in Chinese, but the video is in English with subtitles. It also includes changes at health care, checking illegal parking by drones and the usage of liquid metal to repair nerves. It takes 43 minutes but is worth you time.
William Bao Bean is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers´request form.
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Earlier this year, we discussed with William Bao Bean the very special organization of Tencent, now Asia´s largest tech company in market cap.