The book by AI expert Alvin Wang Graylin and Louis Rosenberg “Our next reality” is available as an e-book and audiobook here. The book will be released on June 4, 2024.

In an interview at the Skarred Ghost, Alvin explained the set-up of his book on XR

The Skarred Ghost

I think that the problem is that there are a lot of books about XR. There are a lot of books about AI, and usually, all the books out there are giving a particular position. You know, the one position of one author, whether it’s, you know, super positive, or it’s super doomer. But the reality of the world is never the extremes.

This is why I wrote it as a joint collaboration with Louis because we wanted to make sure that we get both sides of the story out to the readers and that way they can make up their own minds.

We also wanted to get out the story of the connection between AI and XR. Usually, these two industries are fairly distinct and they have their own thought leaders and technologies and companies. But more and more these will start to merge and they will be increasingly important as they complement each other when they mature in the coming years.

And I think that’s something that we wanted to highlight and we wanted to allow the world to take action because in the next 5 to 10 years the actions that we take as a society are going to affect the long-term future of humanity for thousands of years. After all, we are at this inflection point and most people don’t see that yet. So we want to create added clarity for understanding the impetus for taking action because of how important that action is.

More in the Skarred Ghost.

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Alvin Wang Graylin is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need him at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers’ request form.

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