Business analyst Shanghai Rein hits out at the NEV taxes the US has implemented and the EU is planning to start too. China has dealt with domestic pollution as asked by the rest of the world and developed its electric car industry, and now gets hit, he argues. While tensions between China and the EU are growing, they will not be as back at the US-China trade war, he expects, as China still needs investments from Europe.Read More →

China’s legislators have set another step on regulating data security, this time for the automotive industry, but publishing a draft for comments. China-lawyer Mark Schaub gives an overview of the plans for the China Law Insight. “Companies would be well advised to conduct a systematic review and assessment of the current state of their data handling,” he concludes.Read More →

China is diving fast into self-driving cars. But while cybersecurity has become a major issue in IT, in the combination of self-driving cars, cybersecurity is not getting the attention it deserves, says Shanghai-based lawyer Mark Schaub on the China Law Insight, focusing on the legal risks and the actions the Chinese government did take.Read More →

Luxury car brands tell much about the ambitions of their owners, and how people think about them, disclosed the Hurun White Paper on luxury cars last week. In the Global Times an overview of the profiles of the owners of Audi, BMW, Mercedes- Benz, Lexus, Volvo, Land Rover, Cadillac and Infiniti, according to Hurun founder Rupert Hoogewerf.Read More →

How does the Chinese luxury brand owner look like, wondered Rupert Hoogewerf and his Hurun Rich List firm provided a thorough analysis of this successful market, They looked at the Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Lexus, Volvo, Land Rover, Cadillac and Infiniti. A report from the Malaysia Chronicle.Read More →

Income inequality in the USA is larger than in China and Iran, says a report from the CIA, even though China has a huge income divide too. But one part it has done better than the USA: it taxed the rich, where the money is, not the poor, says business analyst Shaun Rein in Forbes. Read More →

Luxury good producers like Louis Vuitton and Porsche do not have to panic after Robert Frank’s WSJ article suggesting China’s wealthy stop spending. Frank looked at the lower middle class, argues business analyst Shaun Rein in CNBC. According to his research, the real wealthy Chinese spend more than ever.Read More →