From a cash country, where transactions were done by moving plastic bags with money between bank branches, China has turned into a leading force in fintech or financiel technology. Mobile payment are standard. Bitcoins and blockchain technology found in China early adopters. Social media have – more than anywhere in the world – adopted payment systems to facilitate online trade.Read More →

Innovation and China seemed have been at odds for a long time. But the country known for its copy-cats has made huge strides forward, and innovation has become a key feature in the country´s development. Not surprising, also speakers at the China Speakers Bureau reflect that important development.Read More →

Twenty years ago Chinese academics sent their first online message and since then the internet has changed China beyond recognition. Despite efforts by the government to keep freedom of speech in check, China´s internet users are freer than even. A few of our speakers are key experts in this field.Read More →

Digital transformation is key in the planning of companies, governments and individuals, as the world is changing beyond recognition. But for the world outside China it often remains unclear how the most innovative country is going to influence their digital future. 

Speakers at the China Speakers Bureau can help you to make sense out of this often disruptive change of the world. Here we bring together a group of leading experts on China and how its digital transformation is going to change the world outside China too.Read More →

Alibaba bought the video-services Youku-Tudou, a mash of Youtube and Netflix, but at least ten times bigger, tells business analyst Shaun Rein in Bloomberg. It is a sign competition between internet giants in China is heating up, and Alibaba first want to strengthen its position there, before taking the rest of the world serious, Rein says.Read More →

China’s second largest video sharing firm Tudou launched last week successfully at Nasdaq, and business analyst Shaun Rein discovered they want “buy things”. Wrong, he argues in CNBC: Tudou should focus on its sustainability and become profitable. Read More →

Shaun Rein by Fantake via Flickr US investors should be very cautious spending their money on Chinese companies like bookseller Dangdang or video hosting company Youku who have no clear business model or otherwise a hard time to show a profit, warns Shaun Rein in this debate on CNBC. WhileRead More →

Shaun Rein by Fantake via Flickr Derided as the eternal bull on China, Shaun Rein now warns US investors (and others) in Forbes against a dangerous bubble emerging from China: the IPO hype from anything coming from China, including video hosting companies Youku and Tudou. A mania about China hasRead More →

Kaiser Kuo is an American-born writer, rock musician, technology watcher and cultural commentator. In June 2010 he became director international communication at China’s largest search engine, Baidu was the first Chinese company to become part of the NASDAQ-100 index. Read More →