Victor Shih Getting a thorough insight of what is happening in China’s financial systems is becoming crucial as the financial crisis holds the global economy in its grip. Assistant professor Victor Shih of the Northwestern University is one of very few people who get beyond scratching on the surface andRead More →

Mark Schaub, this month’s fastest mover Surprising changes in this month “most-sought speaker”, compared to the scores in September. Some of our leading speakers have suddenly dropped off the list and we see a range of relative new-comers in our top-10.One of the reasons for that change could be thatRead More →

William Bao BeanFons1 via FlickrThe stock markets worldwide continue their crash south and financial leaders gather in Washington to discuss further measure to stop the global financial crisis. But China has still been rather quiet, as if it is only marginally part of the economic downturn.How correct is that, whatRead More →

Howard French, highest newcomer At the China Speakers Bureau we publish each month a top-10 of the most-sought speakers. In August we did the first one, but since we were online for only a short time, the results were a bit dodgy. This month we see huge shifts.Number one, ShaunRead More →

Arthur Kroeber Coca-Cola is coughing up USD 2.4 billion to acquire China’s leading juice maker, the Huiyuan Juice group, spending much more than the current value of the Chinese company, writes AFP.Analysts, including consulent Arthur Kroeber of Dragonomic in Beijing, have mixed feelings about the purchage, to put it midly.AccordingRead More →