Changing families values Chinese women are becoming a new force in domestic consumption as they command half of the household budget, writes Newsweek, who tapped into the brains of Tom Doctoroff, Shaun Rein and Paul French, all speakers for the China Speakers Bureau. Shaun Rein on the figures: For WesternRead More →

Paul French  via Flickr Some foreign companies do well in China, others fail. And some have a more rollerskating experience like Tesco, recalls retail analyst Paul French in the Telegraph. The UK retailer set off on a wrong foot with Taiwanese management, but took a good turn when Mr. Towle, aRead More →

Shaun Rein by Fantake via Flickr The summer holidays and the summer heat forced many to lay low – we noticed from the traffic to our websites – with one exception: Shaun Rein. Almost no day passed without Shaun sharing his views on mainstream TV-stations or on Forbes and BusinessRead More →

Paul French Obesity is rising in China and our speaker Paul French and co-author Matthew Crabbe wrote their new book Fat China: How Expanding Waistlines are Changing a Nation about the feature. In 1982 7 percent of the Chinese were overweight, in 2002 23 percent of urban China, 7 percentRead More →

Zhang Lijia        via Flickr Should we bother you with China and our speakers’ bureau in the sweltering heat of the summer, we were thinking at the global offices of the China Speakers Bureau. Well, here in Europe temperature dropped this week actually dramatically, so we decided toRead More →

Paul French        via Flickr Today saw the long anticipated book Fat China: How Expanding Waistlines are Changing a Nation (China in the 21st Century) by Paul French, on obesity in China. “An in-depth analysis of the growing problem of obesity in China and its relationship to the nation’sRead More →

Paul French is former Chief China Market Strategist at Mintel. As a China specialist he has been quoted in a wide variety of publications including the Financial Times, Newsweek, the Wall Street Journal Asia, the South China Morning Post and the LA Times. In 2012 he published the very popular book “Midnight in Peking.” The rights for a TV-show on the book have been sold He travels from Shanghai.Read More →