Kaiser Kuo In an effort to resolve a high-profile spat with Chinese authors on piracy, the country’s leading search engine Baidu removed 2,8 million filles, told company spokesman Kaiser Kuo the BBC, hoping this action would create enough good faith. More than 40 authors and publishers had accused Baidu thatRead More →

Kaiser Kuo “No comment.” Few of our speakers have been quoted so often by the mainstream media saying nothing. Kaiser Kuo easily made it into the top-position of most-sought speakers for April as he was – and still is – unable to say anything about a possible cooperation between hisRead More →

Kaiser Kuo via Wikipedia Baidu’s spokesperson Kaiser Kuo initiated the idea of an English-language weblog to offer the outside world a window on China, he tells the Voice of America. Baidu is China’s largest search engine. The VOA: Baidu spokesman Kaiser Kuo said he came up with the idea forRead More →

Kaiser Kuo via Flickr Baidu spokesperson Kaiser Kuo triggered off many comments, as he wrote during the visit of Facebook‘s CEO Mark Zuckerberg to Beijing, that the largest social platform should also come to China. Zuckerberg visited Baidu‘s headquarter and had lunch with its CEO Robin Li. Kaiser Kuo (in theRead More →

via CrunchBase Google has been complaining that censorship in increasing their cost as a foreign player, but Kaiser Kuo, international communication director of its domestic competitor Baidu says in the New York Times that censorship is not giving Baidu a competitive advantage. Kaiser Kuo, the director of international communications forRead More →

Kaiser Kuo via Flickr Baidu’s Kaiser Kuo spoke recently in a debate in Hong Kong against the the argument that the internet was making us stupid. “What are we gaining by having all this near-instantaneous access to information?”, he asks in a transcript published in Adage.Kaiser Kuo: Fretting over theRead More →

Hurun by Fantake via Flickr Apart from real estate and retail, China’s IT industry is becoming a major money maker, notes Hurun rich list compiler Rupert Hoogewerf in the People’s Daily. Robin Li of the largest search engine Baidu tops his IT-rich list this year. Robin Li, founder of Baidu,Read More →

Retail galores via Wikipedia Real estate might be dominating much of the economic debate in China, retail seems increasingly a good way to become a billionaire as consumption grows, shows the latest Hurun Rich List, composed by Rupert Hoogewerf. Real estate is still the largest wealth creator, despite the change.Read More →

Kaiser Kuo Fantake via Flickr China’s companies have mostly been seen as intelligent copy-cats of their Western competitors at best, certainly no innovators. China’s largest search engine Baidu.com proves it can be a game-changer, says its director international communication Kaiser Kuo in an interview with Inventorspot. Baidu opened up for thirdRead More →

Shaun Rein   by Fantake via Flickr Chinese brands might have been competing on prices and distribution in 2005, in 2010 they are moving up in the value chain and worry Western brands, writes Shaun Rein in Forbes. Quality and image-building have entered China’s board rooms. Look at Google. Our researchRead More →

Warren Liu     via Flickr Major changes this month in our line-up for the top-10 most-sought speakers in July 2010, actually half of them is new. Highest newcomer of this month is Warren Liu, author of the best-selling book “KFC in China: Secret Recipe for Success (Paperback)“, We only expectedRead More →