One of the purposes of Trump’s trade war is convincing US companies to leave China. But they are not yet ready to move, says economist Arthur Kroeber, author of China’s Economy: What Everyone Needs to Know®, in the Channel News Asia. And when they move, they might before countries like Vietnam over the US, he adds.Read More →

Tariffs in the ongoing trade war are taxes, so it is unavoidable consumer prices will go up, says financial analyst Victor Shih, author of Factions and Finance in China: Elite Conflict and Inflation, at The Point. Some increases might be taken by the distributors, and consumers are not yet worried because the US economy is now doing very well, Shih says. But that could change in the months to come when the effects of the trade war kick in.Read More →

Devaluating the Chinese Yuan can be an attractive, but also dangerous way for China to deal with the effect of the ongoing trade war, says financial and political analyst Victor Shih, author of Factions and Finance in China: Elite Conflict and Inflation to Reuters. ” It is likely that corruption is returning, which will undermine Chinese capital control measures.”Read More →

For investors the prospects for North-Korea are similar to China in 1978, says superinvestor Jim Rogers, author of Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets,  according to the Korean medium Hankyoreh. “If North Korea introduces reforms and openness, it will achieve rapid economic growth in the double digits or higher.”Read More →

The new trade agreement between the US, Mexico, and Canada (USMCA)  excluded possible free-trade agreements between the three with China. Trump has its hands free to focus his trade war on China, says economist Arthur Kroeber, author of China’s Economy: What Everyone Needs to Know®, at the South China Morning Post. Read More →

The trade war between the US and China has up to now mainly hit headlines, nervous traders and heated political debates, but there is no doubt consumers will feel the burnt too, says financial analyst Sara Hsu to Reuters. Moving away from China is mostly not an option, she says. “It can take up to five years to move from China to another country.”Read More →

The focus has been on the Chinese government after US president Donald Trump announced new tariffs. But that might be wrong, says economist Arthur Kroeber, author of China’s Economy: What Everyone Needs to Know to CNN. What Trump wants is not getting China into negotiations, but forcing US companies to come back to the US.Read More →

Media are looking for winners and losers in the trade war between China and the US, and while damage can be inflicted in the short run, China is going to outlast an economic war with the US, says renowned economist Arthur Kroeber, author of China’s Economy: What Everyone Needs to Know to Money Week.Read More →

If the current plans for impose 25% US tariffs on Chinese import are really executed, they will cause damage to China’s economy, says economist Arthur Kroeber, author of China’s Economy: What Everyone Needs to Know, says at CNBC. But it is unlikely the trade war will derail the long-term reform plans, he adds.Read More →