William Bao BeanFons1 via FlickrThe stock markets worldwide continue their crash south and financial leaders gather in Washington to discuss further measure to stop the global financial crisis. But China has still been rather quiet, as if it is only marginally part of the economic downturn.How correct is that, whatRead More →

We are preparing to adopt a few more new media tools at the China Speakers Bureau. As a first move we have set up a YouTube channel with clips of our speakers doing their excellent job. The channel – not surprisingly called ‘China Speakers Bureau’ – can be found here.Read More →

Shaun Rein The China Speakers Bureau is only for a bit more than a month online, so getting a top-10 of most-sought-speakers is a bit of a tricky thing. Not all of our speakers have been online for the whole month and still quite a few are still waiting toRead More →

Shaun Rein As our operation as a speakers bureau gets into shape, a growing number of speakers have committed themselves to work with us. Later the website will give a more complete overview – although we can never put all our speakers online.Among the people who have joined already weRead More →

Finance has become a crucial subject when looking at China. Now double-digit growth has dropped to an annual five percent, making success is no longer automatically guaranteed. Solid financial advice is more needed than ever. The role of the government has become more important than in the past. Government regulationsRead More →

Victoria Secret took on China online, but has now decided to open its first offline retail flagship store in Shanghai. They move very cautiously, says retail expert Ben Cavender in AdAge, and they have a fair chance of getting it right in one of the most difficult retail markets in the world.Read More →