The new US president Biden will be treating China in a multi-lateral fashion, not bilateral, like Donald Trump who saw trade basically as a real-estate transaction, says former White House trade negotiator Harry Broadman to BNN Bloomberg. China has ignored its trade obligations since admission into the World Trade Organization in 2001, he says, and Broadman does not expect another line now Trump has shaken that international boat.Read More →

China got itself into trouble a few times when lenders who got into problems paying back debts. When China offers the same loans commercial banks can offer but without political ties, China has not so much extra to give, says strategic analyst Harry Broadman about the country’s’ international debt policies in the Africa Report, taking Zambia as an example.Read More →

Chinese listings at US stock markets got recently under fire. Former US assistant trade representative Harry Broadman looks with some amazement at this market at the International Finance Law Review (IFLR). “After decades of working in China intensively on financial accounting, there is not a single state-owned enterprise I’ve worked on that I can think of that abided by international accounting standards,” Broadman says.Read More →