Google was wrong when it behaved in China as if it was calling the shots, says Shaun Rein to Marketplace, as yet another Google service, Google Maps, is about to be banned.
SHAUN REIN: Google really said to the government: do what we say or else.
Rein says Google has claimed to be the victim of Chinese censorship after it had agreed to allow the government to censor its search results five years ago when it created its Chinese site. Since then, Rein says Google has offered China little wiggle room with how the company operates within the country’s borders. Rein says Google’s behavior is about more than just Google. He says it’s turned Chinese officials against other websites like Facebook and Twitter, both of which are blocked in China.
REIN: If Google is not going to adhere to the rules they originally agreed to, then how can you trust anybody else?
Shaun Rein is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. When you need him at your meeting or conference, do get in touch.