Ashley Dudarenok

Becoming a successful marketeer can be learned, says China-veteran Ashley Dudarenok at Hive Life. She gives six tips to move forward in selling into China. For example: get a mentor. “You can do it all – but it’s going to take you twenty years. Do you want to do it the hard way? Or do you want to pay somebody some money to show you how to do it in probably in just two to three years? ”

Hive Life:


Find a mentor and accelerate your success

“We’re all smart people here – you can all learn how to write a book. You can all learn how to do China marketing. You can all learn, believe me, how to run a successful business. You can do it all – but it’s going to take you twenty years. Do you want to do it the hard way? Or do you want to pay somebody some money to show you how to do it in probably in just two to three years? My first book took three months because I paid somebody to walk me through the process so it was so much faster than it would have been otherwise. This also applies to mindsets and psychology. I hired my first success coach for a total of six sessions – and those six hours transformed my life. I paid her what was a lot of money for me at the time. But now, I would pay her ten times more because I know what it would lead to.”


Set boundaries to keep you on your path 

“You need to protect yourself. If you have a negative family member and this person is literally in your space all the time, even if you are happy, they’re still going to get to you because you will feel it. So first, you need to distance yourself from them and limit your exposure. I had an experience with a very close member of my family and I had to literally discontinue that relationship for about a year and a half. And I said, ‘you know what, this is my boundary, and I choose to discontinue this relationship because every time we talk, it’s only negative stuff. And I know that this is the TV channel that you’re watching all the time, but I’m watching a different channel. I’m happy. I’m in a comedy-adventure kind of channel, but you’re watching that negative thriller and you like it. So let’s not watch the same channel.’”

Four more tips at Hive Life.

Ashley Dudarenok is a speaker at the China Speakers Bureau. Do you need her at your meeting or conference? Do get in touch or fill in our speakers’ request form.

Are you looking for more marketing experts at the China Speakers Bureau? Do check out this list.


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