via CrunchBase Google has been complaining that censorship in increasing their cost as a foreign player, but Kaiser Kuo, international communication director of its domestic competitor Baidu says in the New York Times that censorship is not giving Baidu a competitive advantage. Kaiser Kuo, the director of international communications forRead More →

Kaiser Kuo via Flickr Baidu’s Kaiser Kuo spoke recently in a debate in Hong Kong against the the argument that the internet was making us stupid. “What are we gaining by having all this near-instantaneous access to information?”, he asks in a transcript published in Adage.Kaiser Kuo: Fretting over theRead More →

Paul French by Fantake via Flickr Some remarkable changes in our monthly top-10 of most-sought speakers. While most of the listed speakers hold on to their position in the list, Paul French has entered the triumvirate of top-3 speakers at number 2, clearly a success related to his latest book FatRead More →

Kaiser Kuo Fantake via Flickr China’s companies have mostly been seen as intelligent copy-cats of their Western competitors at best, certainly no innovators. China’s largest search engine proves it can be a game-changer, says its director international communication Kaiser Kuo in an interview with Inventorspot. Baidu opened up for thirdRead More →

Kaiser Kuo is an American-born writer, rock musician, technology watcher and cultural commentator. In June 2010 he became director international communication at China’s largest search engine, Baidu was the first Chinese company to become part of the NASDAQ-100 index. Read More →